
Midheaven Garden: Biodynamic for 35 Years

Organic and Biodynamic are very similar; both strive to produce abundant amounts of food with high quality nutrition without the use of artificial fertilizers, synthetic chemicals, or GMOs. 

However, Biodynamics goes one step further. It is a holistic practice where all things are considered living interrelated systems – animals, plants, and the world that nurtures them and extends out to the solar system. Just as the moon affects earth’s tides, stellar rhythms affect the growing phases of planting and harvesting.

First and foremost, Biodynamic farmers and gardeners work to balance the energetic forces of light and air with earth and water. This strengthens the vitality of plants and enhances their nutrition.

Biodynamic methods improve the soil, whereas traditional farming practices typically deplete the soil. On Midheaven Garden, we rotate crops and use deep-rooted green manure plow downs. We apply specifically prepared preparations made from minerals and herbs – very similar to homeopathy. These preparations enhance the crafted compost we apply to our garden beds and intensify the sunlight that permeates each vegetable plant.